



Calvary is a church with a bright future! The last few years have been challenging and as they prepare for the next senior pastor they are growing their staff with change agents and passionate world changers. This is a brilliant opportunity for a student leader with the passion to build a ministry in a church with a God sized focus on their future. Calvary Church St Peters has a non-denominational vibe with a EFCA core.


On January 24, 1962, 23 people gathered in a St. Charles home and began a journey that became Calvary Church. In 1967, Calvary moved to a new building that would be our home for almost 25 years. Even as that property restricted further growth, Calvary grew in many ways. In the late 80s, Calvary joined the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) denomination. In 1990, Calvary began construction on a new piece of property on a road that was also under construction - Mid Rivers Mall Dr. We moved into that location in 1991 which remains the location of our church to this day.

In the midst of a growing community, Calvary grew, as well, through a thriving small group ministry, vibrant contemporary worship, an emphasis on missions that reached around the globe, strategic outreach events that attracted many young families, dynamic children's and youth ministries, and community ministries like bi-annual oil changes for single mothers, a weekly food pantry, and more. Due to our quick growth in the 90s, we began a major facility expansion. Services were held for the first time in the expanded facility on Mid Rivers Mall Dr. in 2002.

In 2004 we became a multi-site church when our Big Creek (then known as "West") Campus was launched between two growing rural communities. In 2007 Calvary's St. Charles Campus was launched, originally in a movie theater in north St. Louis County (then known as the "Mills Mall Campus" and later the "Connections Campus"), moving into north St. Charles in 2009. Our multi- site strategy involved live preaching at each venue and an emphasis on contextualize ministry. A fourth campus, our Online Campus, was added in 2019.

In 2020 our church leadership began praying about the future of our campuses, recognizing that our Big Creek and St. Charles Campuses might be better served as independent church plants. In 2022, Big Creek was launched as an independent EFCA partner church and St. Charles followed in 2023. We are excited to see how God continues to expand the gospel's reach through these healthy churches.


When Jesus matters most, transformation follows.

“I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” - Paul, Philippians 1:6

What do we mean when we say JESUS MATTERS MOST? God’s grace is prevalent in the world, even though sin was introduced through human action. In love, God purposefully worked redemption through Jesus Christ alone. The good news of Jesus (his birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return) is an invitation to salvation available to all people. By God’s grace, through faith, we trust Jesus’ sufficient salvation. Because of this, we are intentionally Christ-centered in our expressions, commitments, and endeavors.

WHAT IS TRANSFORMATION? Transformation is the change-process Christians experience by God’s grace through the Holy Spirit’s effective work as we trust, draw upon, and fully embrace Jesus’ sufficient salvation. Transformation begins when a person who does not know the good news about Jesus hears and personally trusts Jesus’ salvation. Transformation deepens as we learn to draw upon Christ’s salvation for personal understanding and identity. Likewise, transformation widens as we embrace Christ’s purposes in our church and in the world.

Therefore, these goals are central to the work of every ministry environment at Calvary:

We communicate the good news of Jesus Christ consistently and clearly.

The truth and beauty of the good news is for all people to believe-every generation, every ethnicity, every origin story. Ministry environments will have a clear Christ-centered message.

We cultivate wholehearted, Christ-centered identity. Salvation through Jesus Christ touches the whole of a person’s life (their past, present, and future ). Growth in Christ-centered identity goes hand-in-hand with growth in self-awareness, satisfaction, and security. Ministry environments will engage participants holistically, patiently, and empathetically, encouraging identity in Christ.

We cultivate Christ-centered community. Gathering with love and grace persistently among each other is a reflection of Christ in us all. Ministry environments will promote discovering, honoring, and encouraging Christ between participants.

We cultivate resilient faith. Christ-centered practices (beginning with singing, praying, reading Scripture, gathering, serving, and weekly rest) aid our trust in Christ’s sufficient salvation. Ministry environments will cultivate faith in the humility and generosity of Christ for the purpose of developing Christ-centered identity, spiritual gifts, and fruitfulness.

We represent Christ in the world. The good news of Jesus echoes through His people into our homes, city, and world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus works through us to advance His kingdom as we love our enemies, care for the hurting, and share the good news with all. Ministry environments will develop participants as confident witnesses of Jesus.

Calvary Church * Transformational Profile (From Visioneering Teams v.4.2.23


Because every student needs a faith of their own, the Student Ministries of Calvary Church serves and connects middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students through worship, small groups, and service experiences. It’s our purpose to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, equipping them for life in His world. Our commitment is that students will be cared for, known, and find belonging.


The student ministries at Calvary have experienced a make-over in the summer of 2023. As the last leader transitioned to a role at another church, Calvary leadership made some very intentional decisions to guarantee the students would be loved and cared for in the interim. A Student ministry leadership team with three interns took ownership and created a summer calendar of fun events and a fantastic summer camp. Growth is happening!

Kick off to mid- week small groups for the Fall of 2023 far surpassed years past and is a testament to the support and passion Calvary Church, as a whole, has for the students in their church.


SUNDAYS are a key time in the life of the students. They are welcomed into the main services along with having their own amazing space called The Warehouse (see right). On the 5th Sundays, Calvary has Family Sunday. This is an opportunity for students to be included in leading in the main service. (see below)


Calvary Students like to have fun and make memories together! One thing they love to do is rent out the local skating rink and have theme nights. Pictured here is 90's post-summer camp celebration!


Camps, both winter and summer are a highlight for Student ministries. The next leader will have the opportunity to build a memorable camp experience while learning some of the long time traditions.


calvary students website



Interim Lead Pastor, Paul Utnage

Paul comes to Calvary with over four decades of ministry experience. He has served as a Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor, and Executive Pastor in churches of all sizes and in regions as diverse as Alaska, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, and Montana. His teaching and pastoral roles have taken him to international settings in Russia, Africa, Vietnam, and China.

Over the years God placed Paul into a number of church situations that needed immediate, intentional restoration and change from unhealthy leadership or organizational cultures. He has a zeal for gospel-oriented ministry, organizational development, team development, missional engagement, coaching leaders, strategic planning, change management, and consulting with churches to bring about health and growth in creative and enthusiastic ways. His personal passion is for “healthy leaders, healthy teams, healthy churches, and a healthy impact for Christ.” We're very excited to welcome Paul as he leads Calvary Church into this next season!

Lead Pastor Search Update

Calvary is a church in transition. We are currently led by Interim Pastor, Dr. Paul Utnage, who came to us by way of Interim Pastor Ministries. After giving attention to a number of projects in the pursuit of health (updating governing documents, elder training, refreshing our employee handbook, and empowering a reconciliation team to facilitate discussions with past hurts of the church), we are excitedly moving forward to begin searching for a new long-term lead pastor in September 2023.

Transformational Ministries Pastor, Dan Borth

Dan hails from St. Charles (SCW ‘01 Alumni) and Covenant Seminary (MDiv ‘14). He’s pastored youth ministries since 2009 and joined the Calvary family in 2019. His crew includes Mandi (wife), Piper, Hazel, Lily (daughters) and Lullaby (favorite pet). Dan has led effective teams through several church transitions. With a passion for healthy leaders in ministry, Dan walks teams toward growing and learning through a passion first and foremost for Jesus. This passion radiates into everything God has called him to do. The Role of Student Ministries leader will be on the Family Ministry team, under the umbrella of Transformational Ministry.

Family Ministries Director, Jeff Harding

Jeff Harding joined the Calvary Church team in February 2022. Placed by Slingshot Group, Jeff and Faith moved from Dallas, TX and have found a home away from home at Calvary. A 18-year youth ministry/13-year family ministry veteran with a proven track record of effective leadership, training, enthusiastic team collaboration, creative programming and visionary planning. Jeff is driven by a lifelong passion to invest in the next generation. Jeff leads with relationship and collaboration.

To meet, and learn more about, the team at Calvary Church, click HERE.



The Calvary Search Team are looking for a leader who wants to develop a culture with the students—not just for them. They are looking for someone who holds in high regard the power, value and voice of the parents and volunteers. Investing in volunteers with passion and intentionality (e.g. Lead Small) is a high priority. It will be crucial to find volunteers who can be upfront and behind the scenes, allowing them to utilize their gifts to the fullest. Someone with a huge vision, who can embrace the concept “before 6th grade to after 12th grade” in their long-term planning, will make an exceptional impact on the church community.


Calvary has a desire for student ministries to be highly connected to all other church ministries. By creating the Family Ministries Pastor position, hiring Jeff Harding and including student ministry within the Connection Ministry umbrella, they have built a strong support system for the next leader to step in equipped with confidence.


Despite creating a great support system, Calvary is not looking for the next team member to come in and continue what has always been done. Transition means opportunity for what is next. They should strive to focus their efforts on the students who are there now and paving the way for those to come. History will play an important role and is absolutely celebrated. The next leader is encouraged to implement something God has called and designed them to build.


Calvary Church is in St Peters, Missouri. The residents of the area are not shy in sharing all the wonderful reasons to call this part of Missouri home. The beautiful seasons, the Cardinals, the zoo is free, the Fox Theater and the Cardinals.

St. Peters, My Hometown website:

We have a great quality of life here and we've been named one of the top 100 Best Places to Live in America by Money® Magazine. With 25 parks totaling 1,227.9 acres, including the 500-acre 370 Lakeside Park, outstanding schools, friendly neighborhoods, a thriving arts community and Cultural Arts Centre, an award-winning recycling program, world-class St. Peters Rec-Plex, and abundant shopping, we are a great place to live, work and play, and we will continue to work hard to keep this one of the top communities in America.

Located in St. Charles County, Calvary Church is minutes away from the city of St Charles which was the first state capital of Missouri. This county is rich with history, vibrant with young families and packed with plenty to do, including the fun, food and festivities of Main Street.

Midwest hospitality is alive and well in St Peters, so if you are considering moving to the area you can find specific information about living in and around St Peters and St Charles County here:

Neighborhood Scout - St Peters, MO

Area Vibes - Livability Ratings


REPORTS TO: Family Ministries Director

RELATES CLOSELY WITH: Children’s Ministry Director, Strategic Operations, all Transformational Ministries Directors

PROVIDES OVERSIGHT TO: Staff Team and Volunteers

The Student Ministry Director oversees all aspects of Student Ministry (Grades 6-12) in a way that is aligned with the Scriptures, statements of belief, and values of the church. The Student Ministry Director will accomplish this purpose through six major responsibilities:

  1. 1.Committing to prayer.
  2. 2.Leading students to value Jesus most and to experience gospel-centered transformation.
  3. 3.Recruiting, training, and encouraging Student Ministry volunteers.
  4. 4.Leading a weekly Student Ministry program during the school year.
  5. 5.Leading strategic Student Ministry holiday, summer, and special events.
  6. 6.Some general shepherding duties, as assigned.

Key Goals and Objectives

  1. 1.Models and protects the purity, unity, and faith of the congregation as outlined primarily in the Scriptures and secondarily in the Bylaws of the church.
  2. 2.Champions the transformation and discipleship of lay leaders, both women and men, to live out the vision of the church.
  3. 3.Shepherds the mission, vision, strategy, and outreach of the church so that all generations and all people have opportunities to live out their faith in Christ and share it with others.
  4. 4.Practices clear, candid, appropriate, and timely communication with the church and staff.
  5. 5.Demonstrates humility in public and private, in peace and conflict.


  • Strong devotional life.
  • Lives and works in accordance with stated Staff expectations.
  • College degree in a related field, or equivalent ministry experience, required. A theological degree from an accredited evangelical seminary is a bonus.
  • Acceptance of biblical theology as outlined by the EFCA.
  • Champions the vision of Calvary Church without hesitation.
  • At least three years of proven successful leadership in a youth ministry role.
  • Effective communicator as affirmed by multiple generations and peoples.
  • Ability to work effectively with different teams within the church.
  • Strong conflict resolution skills are necessary; able to take criticism that may not always be warranted, while pursuing peace as much as possible.
  • Demonstrates humility and grace, with a willingness to accept responsibility for own failures and failures of Group leaders regardless of fault.
  • Serves as an example of a loyal friend and family member, who can properly balance the obligations of professional and private life.
  • Demonstrates Christian unity with other church leaders from different ethnicities and backgrounds for the furtherance of the Kingdom


Ready to take the next step?

To find out more about CALVARY CHURCH, ST PETERS, please peruse their website and learn more about their doctrinal beliefs, vision and values and the many other ministries of the church.

If after a thorough look at these documents, you sense that this would be a good fit for you, please contact:

Nancy Matossian // 949.294.1545 //